V0.1.2.20 Update-notes

v0.1.2.20 Change Log:

Please Join the [Discord](https://discord.com/invite/7GQYecCgtu) for guidance or support!

Feature Requests Added:

  -Caret Color to be visible (a caret (| flash | flash |) is that little symbol you sometimes see in writing or typing)


  -Added a Debug Mode Please read the Section DebugMode to know how to use this


  -Fixed serverProfile.ini not being created if the file did not already exist

  -Fixed ItemStackSize not saving


  -Changed the Caret Color To pasky White color so you can see what text box you are clicked on

  -Changed the way auto backups work

    -Will now check to see if the process is running. only while the server process is running will it take a backup of the server

    -This means if your server is "offline" backups will not be taking place and vise-versa for when they are running

    -The Backup Process is now always running and if a value is changed the backup process will update the next time the function       is called(aka when the backup timer runs out)


Step 01 Locate the root directory of ASAM ( this is where the .exe is located for ASAM)

Step 02 Create a .bat file with the contents below \/

@echo off

tasklist | find /i "Brads Digital Server Manager BDSM.exe" > nul

if errorlevel 1 (

    start "" "Brads Digital Server Manager BDSM.exe" /console

) else (

    echo Application is already running.


Step 03 Run the .bat file ( this will now launch ASAM in debug mode ) if you are getting any errors please report them to me in one of the #support channels !


  -Removed Drop Editor Tab Will be added back once ready to use


-More Discord Bot Commands

-player list window (kick,ban,unban)

-Auto Updates




[GitHub ASMA](https://github.com/CSBrad/ASAM)

[Itch IO](https://justsomebritishguy.itch.io/asam)


release.zip 3.1 MB
Apr 09, 2024

Get ARK Server Manager Tool For ASA v1.1.2.33

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